The ED-Awards Ceremony is honoring the gold and silver winners in 31 different categories of communication design. The best designers in Europe get on stage in order to receive their prizes.
The evening is lead by Agneta Wallin, a Swedish stand-up comedian who charmed the audience last year in Stockholm and agreed to come back.
Time: 20:00-23:00, Sunday May 17
The reception opens 19:00 and in case you need to pick up tickets in the reception please be there before 19:40.
The show starts 20:00 and is estimated to last 2-3 hours.
It will be at the same venue as the ED-Conference, the Arena Filmcity at Sihlcity.
The ticket price is 50 euro (student discount available) and can be bought via our web shop.
This ticket is also valid for the winenrs party right after the ceremony.