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Petra Černe Oven

Graphic Applications

Dr. Petra Černe Oven is a designer, theoretician and author with a special interest in typography, information design and theory and history of visual communication design. She completed her PhD at the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication at the University of Reading (UK). 

Černe Oven initiated or co-organised over 40 conferences, workshops and exhibitions and has published extensively in academic and professional media. Since 2010, she has been co-editing Zbirka 42, a series of books on design theory with dr. Barbara Predan. 

Černe Oven has served as a member of numerous juries nationally and internationally (TDC NY, European Design Awards), acts as a country delegate at the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI) and lectures internationally. Černe Oven is a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (University of Ljubljana) where she serves as a head of Chair of Theoretical Studies.



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