Davide Fornari is associate professor (HES) at ECAL University of Art and Design in Lausanne, where he leads the research and development sector. He has previously been teacher and researcher at SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (2009–2016).
He holds a PhD in Design sciences from the School of Doctorate Studies, University Iuav of Venice. His PhD thesis “Il volto come interfaccia” (et al./edizioni, Milan 2012) was awarded a grant for publication from the Swiss National Science Foundation. He has published essays for Sellerio, Einaudi, Treccani, Springer, and for the magazines Domus, Alias, and Ottagono.
He is a member of the permanent observatory of ADI (industrial design association) and co-editor of the magazine Progetto grafico.
He was a member of the Swiss Institute in Rome for the academic year 2014–2015.