Agata Szydłowska

Agata Szydłowska (born in 1983 in Warsaw) received an MA in Art History from Warsaw University.
Currently she is working on her PhD dissertation on the subject of the connections between Polish 
graphic design after 1945 and national identity, which she is preparing at the Graduate School 
for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 
From 2006 to 2011 she worked for the Poster Museum at Wilanw, where she organised 
the International Poster Biennale among other events.

She has delivered conference papers and lectured in Poland, Great Britain, Russia, Slovakia, Spain,
Germany and Japan. At the moment she works as a freelance curator, design critic and academic teacher. She collaborates with the Polish Association of Graphic Designers and School of Form in Poznań,
where she teaches social and political history of design.

She has been contributing to “2+3D” since 2008.

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