Visible Creativity in Rotterdam

Designplatform Rotterdam (DpfR) collaborates with Rotterdam Media Commission (RMC) on Saturday, May 29 at Arminius to hold a public debate on the theme, ‘the importance and visibility of creative industries in Rotterdam.’ This event will feature people from the various design schools in the Rotterdam area. In addition, designers from other renowned European cities will join us to answer questions about the features of their particular city. What compelled them to settle in their location? Which ‘ideal’ conditions allow for a thriving design practice in their city? What items are still on the wish list? And, which other European cities can serve as an interesting example? As for the language of the debate, the goal is a clever mix of Dutch and English.

Vibrant European design cities

On the 29th of may, as part of the European Design conference, the Rotterdam Design Platform will look at the design culture in five lively and significant European cities. Antwerp, Berlin, Manchester, Stockholm and Barcelona all are reknown for their creative atmosphere. We will look the climate in these cities for designers and see in what way the feel of the city is recognisable in the work of the local designers.

In three cities, Manchester (Morporationpop), Berlin (Drushba Pankow), Barcelona (..) we will be looking at work from a design office from that city and reflect on it with the maker together with a Rotterdam designer that organally came from that city. In the other two cities (Stockhol and Antwerp) we will speak with Erik Braun from the Erasmus University, who did a desk research on the creative politics of these cities. What is being done in all these cities by governamental bodies? And what has been -according to creatives wh live there- succesfull or the city?

By looking at the local and global aspects of the work and the visual culture in the city we will find out in what way design has a globalized visual language already. Is design work from Manchester really different from Berlin work? Is there a typical Manchester approach? And can you have that approach while being in a totally different city?

Designplatform Rotterdam

DpfR is a network consisting of designers, industrialists and other entrepreneurs, teachers, students, administrators, journalists and other interested parties. This community meets regularly through debates, roundtable discussions, film shows and exhibitions to achieve a greater level of collaboration between local business companies (including industrial) and the design world here in Rotterdam. The Purpose? To enjoy valuable insights and provide positive impetus to economic development in the Rotterdam region.

Rotterdam Media Commission

RMC is part of the media sector in Rotterdam, dedicated to strengthening local media and placing Rotterdam on the map as a major media outlet. We serve as the link between media companies, rising talents, education, and the community. Our focus is centered on interactive media, gaming, film, television, radio, and music. RMC was created by a joint initiative from local government, education, and business organizations, and emerged out of the need for a greater level of collaboration and innovation within the Rotterdam media community.



Museumpark 3

Opening hours

Saturday  May 29th: 19:30


Free entrance

Ideas from Rotterdam

Designplatform Rotterdam (DpfR) is organizing a traveling exhibition entitled “Ideas from Rotterdam.” Starting May 26 in the lobby of City Hall, this exhibition will display various products designed by Rotterdam designers. Among these products are brands like Senseo, Maxi-Cosi and IKEA. Also, known artwork will be on display from Rotterdam designers, such as the icons of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, designed by a Rotterdam artist. After the opening, the exhibition travels to several other locations in the Rotterdam region.

Designplatform Rotterdam

DpfR is a network consisting of designers, industrialists and other entrepreneurs, teachers, students, administrators, journalists and other interested parties. This community meets regularly through debates, roundtable discussions, film shows and exhibitions to achieve a greater level of collaboration between local business companies (including industrial) and the design world here in Rotterdam. The Purpose? To enjoy valuable insights and provide positive impetus to economic development in the Rotterdam region.


Rotterdam City Hall, 40 Coolsingel

Opening hours

Thursday May 27th: 08:30-17:00

Friday May 28th: 08:30-17:00

Saturday May 29th: closed

Sunday May 30th: 18:00 – 20:00 only for invited guests


Free entrance

KesselsKramer at VIVID Gallery

VIVID Gallery proudly presents the work of KesselsKramer

KesselsKramer is an independent international communications agency located in Amsterdam. It lives in an old church, comprises thirty four people of eight different nationalities and has been in operation since 1996.

Its campaigns include Absolut Vodka, Diesel Jeans, 55DSL, the Hans Brinker Budget Hotel, Unilever, Bavaria Beer and J&B.
The agency is also responsible for the internationally awarded documentary film, ‘The Other Final,’ which chronicled a football match between the world’s lowest-ranked teams taking place on the same day as the 2002 World Cup Final.

As well as its advertising and film work, KesselsKramer develops projects for its own brand, ‘do’. KK also has a publishing arm, KesselsKramer Publishing, which was set up to test the boundaries of what books can do.

The company believes in a wide diversity of creative projects, and doesn’t like to be bound by any one medium, instead executing interesting thinking in whatever way it can.

With this in mind, KesselsKramer opened London’s KK Outlet in early 2008.  KK Outlet continues KesselsKramer’s sprit of variety and exploration by combining a communications agency, a gallery space and a shop under one roof. It sells KesselsKramer’s books, products, design, concepts… and anything else the company might develop.

The title of the photo further down on this page is:

KesselsKramer – 40 Trade Ads (detail), 2008

Opening hours

April 25 – May 30, 2010

Tuesday – Sunday 12:00-18:00


VIVID Gallery

William Boothlaan 17a


No entrance fee

Design Walk WdKA

A Design Walk is normally a guided 2-3 hours tour to local design agencies but in this case you will also visit a gallery. The design agencies has promised to welcome you into their offices, answer your questions and exhibit some previous work. This is a chance to meet great designers eye-to-eye on their home ground and a perfect way for international guests to experience the Rotterdam design scene. Each stop is about 25 minutes.

There are three groups on Friday and three on Saturday and each group contains about twelve participants plus two design guides. The small size of the groups and the bi-lingual guides that accompanies each group will allow you to better interact and discuss with the agencies designers. The groups will visit the agencies/gallery in different order and on the Friday walk we will also make a stop outside Boombjes for the flag hauling ceremony.


Delftseplein 36u


Exhibition of work by Willem de Kooning Rotterdam University’s Graphic Design students.

Witte de Withstraat 7a


Sander van Loon en Merijn van Essen say about their work: We are not held back by a certain style or set of rules within graphic design. To innovate and experiment is what forms the foundation of our work. Every new assignment is a reason to go beyond what we already know and can do. Our most important goal is to find the opportunity to work together and learn with each project.

Stadhuisplein 11 ruimte A01

Location & time

All groups start from the large entrance hall on the ground floor at De Doelen 17:15. They will return soon after 20:00.


Tickets for this Design Walk are sold via our web shop.

Bar Camp on digital design

A bar camp is an open source/open participation/’unconference’ for presenting new media projects, a collective speaker’s corner for media people. Designers, artists, activists can come, sign up on the schedule and give a presentation. No pre-registration is required.

What is a bar camp?

What to expect of a Bar Camp?

The rules of a Bar Camp

Opening hours

Friday May 28th: 17:30-23:00


Willem Burger Foyer at De Doelen

Kruisstraat 2, Rotterdam


Free entrance

Viral Communication

Presentation of the ‘’ conference on social media and internet memes and their impact on communication and advertising. Organised by Piet Zwart Institute’s research programme ‘Communication in a Digital Age’:

The video presentation includes all lectures and panel discussions of the conference. You can watch it on LCD screens with headsets in The Doelen.

Opening hours

Open during lunches and coffee breaks during the ED-Conference.

Friday May 28th: 12:00-13:00 & 14:00-14:30

Saturday May 29th: 12:00-13:00 & 14:00-14:30

Sunday May 30th: 12:00-13:00 & 14:00-14:30


In the foyer of Willem Burger Zaal at De Doelen.

Kruisstraat 2, Rotterdam


No extra ticket needed for ED-Conference participants.

Heldenavond “Special Edition”

The Heroes’ Nights are initiated by Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University and organised by a special group of students. These nights are a platform for Heroes from the realms of the visual arts and design. The Heroes are invited to talk about their profession and challenged by the audience – YOU included!

On this special Heroes’ Night, organised in cooperation with Premsela Dutch Platform for Design and Fashion, David Carson will be our guest. Graphic Design students will present an entr’acte. After the interview, there will be an (informal) opening party of the European Design Awards Festival with music and drinks until 01:00 hrs.

Opening hours

Thursday 27th of May

20:30 start of programme



Gouvernestraat 133


Local students may buy tickets at Lantaren-Venster
International guests may buy tickets tickets via the ED web shop á 7 euro incl. VAT.

BLAAK 10 – Academy’s gallery

Work of more than 100 Designers presented in BLAAK10. Guided tours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening.

3 projects:

View on the West
Fifty posters by Indian and Dutch designers as a result of extensive research into the image of the West among Indian call centre employees. Initiator: Theater Zeebelt, the Hague.

New forms of information about politics
How are citizens informed about politics and can this been done differently? One hundred Graphic Design students have researched new forms of information about politics. Initiator: Renate Boere in cooperation with CBK Dordrecht.

North Sea Jazz
An exhibition of the best art posters designed by Graphic Design students for the North Sea Jazz Festival 2010. Initiator: North Sea Jazz Festival.



Witte de Withstraat 7/a

Opening hours

Thursday May 27th: 11:00-20:00

Friday May 28th: 13:00-21:00

Saturday May 29th: 13:00-21:00

Sunday May 30th: 13:00-17:00


Free entrance

Guided tours

Each evening during the festival there will be guided tours of the exhibitions (free of charge).

  • Thursday the 27th 18.30 – 20.00 by Renate Boere
  • Friday the 28th 18.30 – 20.30 by Xenia Faizoulova
  • Saturday the 29th 18.30 – 20.30 by Renate Boere

Bigger than Dutch Design

Presentation of the results of the project week of Willem de Kooning Rotterdam University’s bachelor course Graphic Design: International designers in the Netherlands, a research into cultural influence on design and design culture.

A project week with David Bennewith, Liza Enebeis, Ontwerp Atelier Chromosoom, Yomar Augusto and Sarah Carlier.


Willem de Kooning Academy (Media Art Design Education) Rotterdam University provides bachelor and master degree courses in Fine Art, Media & Design and Education in Art & Design. Our courses are geared to an international level that sets the standards in these fields. We encourage an approach that is conceptual, interdisciplinary, innovative and practice-based. Our faculty members are professionals from the Dutch art and design world, acclaimed worldwide as innovative, experimental and original.

Our School of Media & Design provides most of our courses. We have a number of bachelor degrees in 2D (Advertising, Graphic Design and Illustration), in 3D (Interior Design, Lifestyle Design, Product Design and Fashion), and in 4D (Audiovisual Design, Animation, and Digital Photography). On top of this, our institute for postgraduate studies and research – Piet Zwart Institute – offers master courses in Fine Art, Media Design and Communication and Education in Arts.


De Doelen

Opening hours

Friday May 28th: 09:00-18:00

Saturday May 29th: 09:00-18:00

Sunday May 30th: 09:00-18:00


Free entrance

A new flag for Europe

A new symbol for Europe

The current European flag, with the twelve golden stars against a blue background, was designed in 1955. Since then society in Europe has changed dramatically. Nowadays various cultures live and work together in a relative small area. What is the impact of this new, dynamic society with its diversity in culture, language and traditions on Europe’s identity? How do Europeans experience Europe? And how can that identity take shape?

Graphic designers from across the globe have been challenged to consider these questions and to submit their ideas for a new symbol for Europe. More than 1400 designs from 63 countries were received. An international jury with a.o. the European Commission in The Hague and chairman graphic designer Gerd Dumbar selected twelve submissions. 12 symbols, printed on flags, will adorn the flagpoles at the Hofvijver in Den Haag under the title ‘Bright flags’ (or in Dutch ‘Vrolijke vlaggen’).

Find here the international jury and the 12 selected symbols.

Find here all 1400 international submissions.

New symbol flag events

Monday 31 May until Sunday 6 June: Hofvijver Den Haag

Friday June 11th until Sunday june 20th; Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Tuesday June 22th: Europe lecture by Herman van Rompuy at the Nieuwe Kerk Den Haag

Willem de Kooning Rotterdam

30 students of Willem de Kooning Rotterdam University’s bachelor course Illustration took part in the competition. Their flags have been produced in cooperation with the Netherlands Flag Museum Foundation and two partners, Shipmate Vlag Productie and Faber Vlaggen. The flags will be hosted amongst the European flags at the Boompjesboulevard near the Leuvehavenbrug in Rotterdam on Friday May the 28th between 17.30 – 18.30. A design guide will help participants of the ED-Conference to find the way from the conference venue. Meet 17:15 in the large entrance hall at De Doelen to join.

Location: Flag museum at Boompjes, Boompjesboulevard near the Leuvehavenbrug

Tickets: Free of charge


This project will be accompanied by a debate, featuring representatives of the European Commission and designers discussing Europe’s visual identity, unity and diversity under the theme ‘United states of Europe?’ Design students and teachers are invited to join the debate.

Subscribe here for the debate.

Debate: United States of Europe?

Date: Thursday June 3th

Location: Idazaal, Prinsestraat 37, Den Haag

Time: 19.00 hours

Organisation VIDE and foundation Design Den Haag

Design Walk RDM Campus

A Design Walk is a guided 2-3 hours tour to local design agencies but in this special Design Walk there will only be one stop at the RDM Campus. There will be two groups on Friday (none on Saturday) and each group contains about 19 participants plus a design guide. We will also make a stop outside Boombjes for the flag hauling ceremony.

RDM Campus

RDM Campus is a campus for education, business and events. It is located at the old shipyard of the ‘Rotterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij’ (RDM – Rotterdam Dry Dock Company), situated in the CityPorts area of Rotterd am. The abbreviation RDM now stands for Research, Design & Manufacturing. On RDM Campus educational institutions and companies work together to achieve sustainable and innovative solutions in the markets Building, Moving & Powering. RDM Campus is a collaboration between Albeda College, Rotterdam University and The Port of Rotterdam Authority.

The redevelopment of the city ports is important for both the port and the city of Rotterdam. It gives Rotterdam a competitive edge. At the former shipyard of RDM, a campus has been built for educational and research institutions and their partners from the business community and government. The establishment of research and vocational education is of significant importance in keeping (specific) technical know-how in the port area and in stimulating innovation. On RDM Campus educational institutions and companies work together in training students for jobs in the area – now and in the future.

RDM Campus consists of the buildings around the ‘Dokhaven’ (the Dock), especially Innovation Dock – the former machinery hall – and ‘Droogdok’, the former head office of RDM. Albeda College, Rotterdam University and the Port of Rotterdam Authority saw potential in this industrial monument and joined forces in redeveloping this historical area. RDM Campus was renovated from 2007 until 2009, and was officially opened by His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange in 2009. The ‘Dokkantoor’ (Dock Office) and extensions of ‘Droogdok’ (Dry Dock) are also part of RDM Campus. These buildings will gradually undergo renovation.

Location & time

This Design Walk will start from the large entrance hall on the ground floor at De Doelen 17:15 and return soon after 20:00.


Tickets for this Design Walk are sold via our web shop.

Design Pub Friday

On request from participants previous years we recommend one pub each evening to facilitate networking. It is more a place to meet up after dinner, than a real event. So to meet other designers Friday night we recommend you visit the pub Elit.

Opening hours

Friday May 28th: 17:00 – late


Elit: Wijnhaven 3



No entrance fee

Design Walk Rotterdam South

A Design Walk is a guided 2-3 hours tour to 3 local design agencies. Those design agencies has promised to welcome you into their offices, answer your questions and exhibit some previous work. This is a chance to meet great designers eye-to-eye on their home ground and a perfect way for international guests to experience the Rotterdam design scene. Each stop is about 25 minutes.

There are three groups on Friday and three on Saturday and each group contains about twelve participants plus a design guide. The small size of the groups and the bi-lingual guide that accompanies each group will allow you to better interact and discuss with the agencies designers. The groups will visit the agencies in different order and on the Friday walk we will also make a stop outside Boombjes for the flag hauling ceremony.

2 of the 3 groups on Friday will be using Water Taxis. The 3rd group on Friday and all 3 groups on Saturday will be using bicycles. The water taxi fee or bicycle rent is included in the ticket.

Studio Dumbar

Lloydstraat 21

Studio Dumbar was founded in 1977 and has offices in Rotterdam and Shanghai. The studio is a mix of individual creative talent, ambitious clients and projects from a wide variety of backgrounds. It is renowned for both its cultural, corporate and public projects, such as the visual identity of the Dutch National Government, the much debated poster series for Amsterdam Sinfonietta, the Dutch Police Force, the road signing programme for South Korea, the visual identity of TNT Post and the Dutch Design Awards.

Strange Attractors

Schiehavenkade 126

Ryan Pescatore Frisk (USA, 1977) and Catelijne van Middelkoop (NL, 1975) are the founding partners of Strange Attractors Design (2001), an international studio located in Rotterdam and New York, which creates innovative ideas and solutions to influence culture and commerce.

The for Strange Attractors typical combination of historical knowledge/craftsmanship, cultural commentary, formal experimentation and ironic humor result in an endless diversity of items in which the computer is not only used to combine all available different media, but most of all as a craft tool. In the hands of Strange Attractors the digital becomes material again.

Pescatore Frisk and Van Middelkoop give workshops and lectures in cities worldwide and teach at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, and Parsons -The New School for Design- in New York.

The work of Strange Attractors has received numerous awards, is published in periodicals including TDC and ADC annuals, Contemporary Graphic Design (TASCHEN), Area 2 (Phaidon) and is part of the permanent collection of Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam.


Dunantstraat 10

MVRDV was set up in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) in 1993 by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. MVRDV produces designs and studies in the fields of architecture, urbanism and landscape design. Early projects such as the headquarters for the Dutch Public Broadcaster VPRO and housing for elderly WoZoCo in Amsterdam lead to international acclaim.

MVRDV develops its work in a conceptual way, the changing condition is visualised and discussed through designs, sometimes literally through the design and construction of a diagram. The office continues to pursue its fascination and methodical research on density using a method of shaping space through complex amounts of data that accompany contemporary building and design processes.

MVRDV first published a cross section of these study results in FARMAX (1998), followed by a.o. MetaCity/Datatown (1999), Costa Iberica (2000), Regionmaker (2002), 5 Minutes City (2003), KM3 (2005), which contains Pig City and more recently Spacefighter (2007) and Skycar City (2007), the latter two will be exhibited at the 2008 Biennale of Venice. MVRDV deals with global ecological issues in large scale studies like Pig City as well as in small scale solutions for flooded areas of New Orleans.

Current projects include various housing projects in the Netherlands, Spain, China, France, Austria, the United Kingdom, USA, India, Korea and other countries, a television centre in Zürich, a public library for Spijkenisse (Netherlands), a central market hall for Rotterdam, a culture plaza in Nanjing, China, large scale urban masterplans in Oslo, Norway and in Tirana, Albania, a masterplan for an eco-city in Logroño, Spain and an urban vision for the doubling in size of Almere, Netherlands.

The work of MVRDV is exhibited and published worldwide and receives international awards. The 60 architects, designers and staff members conceive projects in a multi-disciplinary collaborative design process and apply highest technological and sustainable standards.

Location & time

All groups start from the large entrance hall on the ground floor at De Doelen 17:15. They will return soon after 20:00.


Tickets for this Design Walk are sold via our web shop.

Design Walk Rotterdam West

A Design Walk is a guided 2-3 hours tour to 3 local design agencies. Those design agencies has promised to welcome you into their offices, answer your questions and exhibit some previous work. This is a chance to meet great designers eye-to-eye on their home ground and a perfect way for international guests to experience the Rotterdam design scene. Each stop is about 25 minutes.

There are three groups on Friday and three on Saturday and each group contains about twelve participants plus two design guides. The small size of the groups and the bi-lingual guides that accompanies each group will allow you to better interact and discuss with the agencies designers. The groups will visit the agencies in different order and on the Friday walk we will also make a stop outside Boombjes for the flag hauling ceremony.

This Design Walk will be with bicycles (the bike rent is included in the ticket fee). There are excellent bicycle roads in Rotterdam but if you have not used a bicycle the last 5 years we strongly recommend you to choose a different Design Walk.


Ketelaarsstraat 9C

75B come up with ideas for themselves and for others. Since 1997, 75B has been busy working and creating works. Founding members Rens Muis (Rotterdam, 1974) and Pieter Vos (Utrecht, 1971) met each other at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. From their predilection for small-scale subcultural initiatives a body of work grew that also persuaded more prestigious art organisations to engage 75B’s services.

Koehorst in ‘t Veld

1e Middellandstraat 103

Koehorst in ‘t Veld is a graphic design practice engaging the possibilities of media and identity. We welcome complexity and editorial challenges and believe in conversation and collaboration throughout the design process. Koehorst in ‘t Veld is a partnership between Jannetje in ‘t Veld and Toon Koehorst.

Photo Mike Bink, courtesy Kunsthal KAdE Amersfoort.

ping-pong Design

Havenstraat 23a

Ping-pong Design is an alter-disciplinary creative powerhouse, often referred to as ‘the French foreign legion of identity design’. From an old run-down bank in Rotterdam, ten designers work with brands such as Rabobank, Eneco, and Randstad. The entire staff has also been featured on Dutch postal-stamps, placing them in a segment traditionally dominated by royalty and astronauts.

Location & time

All groups start from the large entrance hall on the ground floor at De Doelen 17:15. They will return soon after 20:00.


Tickets are sold via our web shop.

Design Pub Saturday

On request from participants previous years we recommend a pubs each evening to facilitate networking. It is more a place to meet up after dinner, than a real event. So to meet other designers Saturday night we recommend you visit the pub Parket.

Since this is the night of the Eurovision Song Contest we have asked the pub owner to put up a large TV in the pub.

Opening hours

Saturday May 29th

The pub is open 18:00-02:00

The Eurovision Song Contest starts 21:00


Nieuwe Binnenweg 9a


No entrance fee

ED-Awards winners 2009

ED-Awards winners 2008

ED-Awards winners 2007

ED-Awards finalists 2007

Formal reception in the City Hall

The Mayor and the City of Rotterdam invite all ED- Award winners to a formal reception in the Stadhuis (the City Hall). It will also be possible to see the exhibition “Ideas from Rotterdam” by Designplatform Rotterdam. Snacks and drinks will be served, however since the ED-Awards ceremony will follow directly after the reception you are advised to dine before attending this event.

Opening hours

Sunday May 30th: 18:30-19:45


City Hall Rotterdam

Coolsingel 40

3011 AD Rotterdam


Open for ED-Awards winners (no extra ticket needed). Only ED-Awards tickets bought before 30 April are valid.