Kitty de Jong


Kitty de Jong is co-editor of design trade magazine Vormberichten since 2005. Her fields of interest concern everything related to the creative entrepreneurship. She combines her editing tasks with consultancy of members of the Association of Dutch Designers (BNO),  tuition at various design academies, and writing publications focussing on business challenges for designers.

Before she took up her position as business consultant at BNO, she worked as a freelance communications consultant from her own company, and was the long time managing business partner of Gert Dumbar in the widely acclaimed Dutch design agency Studio Dumbar.

Kitty de Jong is boardmember of HCK, the club of professional communication managers in The Hague, and a member of Design Management Network, the organisation of design managers in the Netherlands.

Agata Szydłowska

Agata Szydłowska (born in 1983 in Warsaw) received an MA in Art History from Warsaw University.
Currently she is working on her PhD dissertation on the subject of the connections between Polish 
graphic design after 1945 and national identity, which she is preparing at the Graduate School 
for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 
From 2006 to 2011 she worked for the Poster Museum at Wilanw, where she organised 
the International Poster Biennale among other events.

She has delivered conference papers and lectured in Poland, Great Britain, Russia, Slovakia, Spain,
Germany and Japan. At the moment she works as a freelance curator, design critic and academic teacher. She collaborates with the Polish Association of Graphic Designers and School of Form in Poznań,
where she teaches social and political history of design.

She has been contributing to “2+3D” since 2008.

ED-Awards 2011

The submission period for the ED-Awards 2011 will open 1 January and the dead-line is 15 February. The preliminary date and place for the awards ceremony is May 14th in Vilnius.

Winners of Get Citified

The winners of Veer’s Get Citified competition was revealed during the ED-Festival in Rotterdam.

See the reel of the winners here.

ED-Awards winners 2010

ED-Festival photos

Photo galleries from the ED-Festival are now published on Flickr.

ED-Festival photos

ED-Awards ceremony 2010 by Nils Schoonhoven

Reza Abedani to lecture at the ED-Conference

There has been a late cancellation by one of the speakers of the ED-Conference. Polish designer Jacek Utko will not be able to make it for his presentation. Again, we are happy to say that we have taken this negative event and turned it in something very positive. One of our times’ most respected designers, Reza Abedani has agreed to step in by holding a lecture.

Some (not many) might ask “how come an Iranian might be invited in what is the European Design Conference”. The answer is simple: by European we don’t mean country of origin but base. You could be a Brazilian national, but as long as you live and work in Europe, you’re eligible to participate in the ED-Awards and of course to present in the ED-Conference. But most importantly… who on his/her right mind refuse the opportunity to watch a person of Reza’s caliber anyway?

Graphic Design Festival Breda

Graphic Design Festival Breda (GDFB) is a biannual festival on graphic design. The festival goes into present developments on this subject and a large part of it takes place in the public space. Over 200 graphic designers hack, remix, sample, mash up and code image, information and interaction.

On 25 May, GDFB organizes a seminar with presentations by seven national and international designers and scientists. They will give deeper insight on the Decoding theme. By means of everyday examples and results from research, they will show how the increasing digitalization influences and changes the field of the pro graphic designer. Speakers: Karsten Schmidt (DE), Oliver Vodeb (SI), Michiel Schuurman, Roel Wouters & Luna Maurer, LUST, Hans Bouwknegt. Host: Bert Hagendoorn (Adobe).

More info:

David Carson is the Hero

The guest for the Heroes’ Night is now revealed. David Carson has accepted the invitation to hold a lecture and answer questions at this event organized by students of the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University. The lecture at Lantaren/Venster will be followed by the opening party of the festival. Tickets are sold in the ED web shop for only 7 euro and the event starts 20:30 on Thursday the 27th.

Change of programme

Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, Andrey Logvin is not coming to this year’s ED-Festival. But some things are “blessings in disguise”. To cover for Andrey, we have confirmed with one of Europe’s design legends, Gert Dumbar himself. He will be joining the ED-Conference, and presenting his case on Saturday at 15:00.

Accommodation support!

News have just arrived that our recommended hotels are almost fully booked. The good news are that HotelService Rotterdam is offering continuous support to the ones among you who have not managed to book their accommodation yet.

Message from HotelService Rotterdam

Dear Mr/Ms,

Thank you for registering for European Design Festival 2010 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on 27-30 May.

Rotterdam HotelService Rotterdam is the experienced travel agency for your conference; we make your trip as cost effective as possible with the following advantages:

  • Most convenient hotel rooms in each price category in Rotterdam
  • Selected hotels nearby the conference venue (De Doelen)
  • Opportunities to expand your global network

HotelService Rotterdam makes your booking easy and secure! You are just one step away to efficiently book your hotel and receiving an instant confirmation: online reservation form

You may also book the room by filling out this reservation form and return this to us by email or fax. Should you require further information, please reply to the following e-mail address:

We would like to thank you in advance for your reservation and look forward to seeing you at the congress.

Kind regards,

Gemma van Bakel – Douwens

Hotel Accommodation Manager

T. +31 10 205 1580

F. +31 10 205 1590

2010 Gert Dumbar

Born in 1940, he studied painting and graphic design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague, and in the post graduate graphic design program at the Royal College of Art in London.

In 1977 Gert Dumbar established Studio Dumbar. With his team at Studio Dumbar he completed numerous extensive corporate identity programs for many major national and international clients including: the Dutch Postal and Telecom Services (PTT), the ANWB (Dutch Automobile Association), the Dutch Railways, the Dutch Police, the Danish Post (together with Kontrapunkt a/s, Danmark) and the Czech Telecom. Since 1980 he has periodically taught and lectured at various universities around the globe (among them the Royal College of Art in London, the university at Bandung, Indonesia and the Hochschule der Bildenden Kunste Saar in Saarbrucken, Germany).

He has been the chairman of the Dutch association of Graphic Designers (BNO), the president of British Designers and Art Directors Association and was a member of the Designboard of the British Rail Company until 1994. In 1994 the Asociacion de Disenadores Graficos de Buenos Aires (ADG) appointed Gert Dumbar to be a Honorary Member and in 1995 the English Southampton Institute honoured Gert Dumbar with the title of Honorary Doctor in Design.

Gert Dumbar is a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI).

ED-Festival in Rotterdam 2010

ED-Festival 2010 photo kit

ED-Festival 2010 web banners

Get Citified

Veer is hosting Get Citified, an exciting design competition in association with EDA. Four members of ED-Awards’ prestigious jury Bettina Schulz, Michel Chanaud, Linda Kudrnovska and Lynda Relph-Knight will judge Get Citified. The winning designs will be featured at the ED-Festival’s award ceremony in Rotterdam, and the top three designers will win a Bamboo, Medium or Large Wacom tablet. The competition closes on 7 May 2010. Click here for more information.

Thursday May 27th

08:30-17:00 Ideas from Rotterdam

Exhibition in the City Hall

11:00-18:00 Academy’s gallery

3 exhibitions at BLAAK 10

12:00-18:00 KesselsKramer

Exhibition at VIVID Gallery

20:30 Heldenavond “Special Edition”

Seminar and opening party at Lanteren/Venster

Friday May 28th

09:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 1

Willem Burger Zaal, De Doelen

10:00 Opening performance by Studio Dumbar

10:30 Fantasy Interactive

11:30 Bauer – concept & design

12:30 Lunch + exhibition Viral communication

13:30 MnP

14:30 Coffee + exhibition Viral communication

15:00 Reza Abedani

16:00-17:00 Dietwee

17:15-20:30 Design Walk Rotterdam South

to Boompjes, Studio Dumbar, Strange Attractors & MVRDV

starting in De Doelen

17:15-20:30 Design Walk Rotterdam West

to Boompjes, 75B, Koehorst in ‘t Veld and ping-pong Design

starting in De Doelen

17:15-20:30 Design Walk WdKA

to Boompjes, Karel Doormanhof, BLAAK 10

starting in De Doelen

17:15-20:30 Design Walk RDM Campus

starting in De Doelen

08:30-17:00 Ideas from Rotterdam

Exhibition in the City Hall

09:00-17:30 Bigger than Dutch Design

Exhibition in Willem Burger Expo Hall at De Doelen

12:00-18:00 KesselsKramer

Exhibition at VIVID Gallery

13:00-21:00 Academy’s gallery

3 exhibitions at BLAAK 10

17:30-18:00 A new flag for Europe

Open air exhibition at Boompjes flag museum

18:00 – 22:00 BAR CAMP on digital design

Work-shop at De Doelen

22:00 – late: Design Pub

at Elit (the pub opens 17:00)

Saturday May 29th

10:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 2

Willem Burger Zaal, De Doelen

10:30 Zup Associati

11:30 Raffinerie

12:30 Lunch + exhibition Viral communication

13:30 Bleed

14:30 Coffee + exhibition Viral communication

15:00 Gert Dumbar

16:00-17:00 Moving Brands

17:15-20:00 Design Walk Rotterdam South
to Studio Dumbar, Strange Attractors & MVRDV
starting in De Doelen

17:15-20:00 Design Walk Rotterdam West
to 75B, Koehorst in ‘t Veld and ping-pong Design
starting in De Doelen

17:15-20:00 Design Walk WdKA
to Karel Doormanhof, BLAAK 10
starting in De Doelen

10:00-17:30 Bigger than Dutch Design
Exhibition in Willem Burger Expo Hall at De Doelen

12:00-18:00 KesselsKramer
Exhibition at VIVID Gallery

13:00-21:00 Academy’s gallery
3 exhibitions at BLAAK 10

19:30 Visible Creativity in Rotterdam
Debate at Arminius

18:00-02:00 Design Pub
& European Song Contest at Parket

Sunday May 30th

10:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 3

Willem Burger Zaal, De Doelen

10:30 Astrid Stavro

11:30 Yurko Gutsyliak

12:30 Lunch + exhibition Viral communication

13:30 Kustaa Saksi

14:30 Coffee + exhibition Viral communication

15:00 4 für Texas

16:00-17:00 Philippe Apeloig

10:00-17:30 Bigger than Dutch Design
Exhibition in Willem Burger Expo Hall at De Doelen

12:00-18:00 KesselsKramer
Exhibition at VIVID Gallery

13:00-17:00 Academy’s gallery
3 exhibitions at BLAAK 10

18:30 – 20:00 Formal reception + exhibition: Ideas from Rotterdam
in the City Hall

20:00-22:30 ED-Awards ceremony
in Willem Burger Zaal, De Doelen

22:30-04:00 Winner’s party
at Dado