5 agencies

Two walks on Friday and two on Saturday will visit different agencies in central Zürich’:

The ticket is 8 euro per person and includes tram tickets. There are only 12-15 tickets per Design Walk and those can be bought in our web shop.

Design Walk Friday A

  • 17:15 Meet our guide in the stairs at Arena
  • Walk a few hundred meters from Arena to Lessingstrasse 11 and visit the office of Prill & Vieceli.
  • Take the tram to Ankerstrasse 112 in the western part of Zürich inner city and visit the office of Buero4.
  • Walk about 500 meters to Zentralstrasse 74a and visit the office of Hofgrafen.
  • 20:00 Walk another 500 meters to Anwandstrasse 62 and meet with the other Design Walk for a joint visit to the office of Raffinerie.
  • 20:30 The Design Walk ends at the tram station Holstrasse outside Raffinierie and from here it is easy to get to the city center or back to Arena. Our guide will assist you.

Design Walk Friday B

  • 17:45 Meet our guide in the stairs at Arena
  • Walk a few hundred meters from Arena to Lessingstrasse 11 and visit the office of Prill & Vieceli.
  • Take the tram to Hardstrasse 69 in the western part of Zürich inner city and visit the office of Klauser Design .
  • 20:00 Walk 500 meters to Anwandstrasse 62 and meet with the other Design Walk for a joint visit to the office of Raffinerie.
  • 20:30 The Design Walk ends at the tram station Holstrasse outside Raffinierie and from here it is easy to get to the city center or back to Arena. Our guide will assist you.

Design Walk Saturday A

  • 17:30 Meet our guide in the stairs at Arena.
  • Take the tram (together with the other Design Walk) to Ankerstrasse 112 in the western part of Zürich inner city and visit the office of Raffinerie.
  • Walk about 500 meters to Hardstrasse 69 and visit the office of Klauser Design.
  • Walk another 500 meters to Ankerstrasse 112 and visit the office of Buero4.
  • 19:45 The Design Walk ends at the tram station Helvetia Platz outside Buero4 and from here it is easy to get to the city center or back to Arena. Our guide will assist you.

Design Walk Saturday B

  • 17:30 Meet our guide in the stairs at Arena.
  • Take the tram (together with the other Design Walk) to Ankerstrasse 112 in the western part of Zürich inner city and visit the office of Raffinerie.
  • Walk about 500 meters to Ankerstrasse 112 and visit the office of Buero4.
  • Walk another 500 meters to Ankerstrasse 112 and visit the office of Klauser Design.
  • 19:45 The Design Walk ends at a tram station near Klauser Design and from here it is easy to get to the city center or back to Arena. Our guide will assist you.


This design walk starts outside Arena, Sihlcity Friday May 15th 17:40 and goes directly to the Google headquarters in Zürich. The distance is 10 minutes by foot and the group is limited to 30 participants.

When you arrive you will be welcomed by Mr. Steve Rogers, Director of User Experience EMEA, who will also talk about Google UI Design Language and Principles. You will then by guided around the building, meet a representative from their architecture company and hear about the building’s interior design. This walk is of extra interest for designers with focus on User Experience and User Interfaces.

The Google Zürich office is a bit special and to give you an idea of what to expect we recommend these videos:

Sign-up for this design walk via our web shop. There is no fee from Google but we charge a 5 euro per person, incl. VAT, for administration.

Party at Papiersaal

Directly after the ED-Awards ceremony at Arena (sometime between 22 and 23), all participants of the ceremony as well as the conference participants are welcome to join the party next doors at Papiersaal.

DJ’ette Diva D will do her very best to keep you going until 4 AM when the party ends.

Entrance to the party, as well as a complimentary glass of sparkling wine is included in the ticket for the ED-Conference and the ED-Awards Ceremony.

Details for winners

This page is to give the winners of the ED-Awards 2009 some more details about the show.

When to arrive

The reception opens 19:00 and the show starts 20:00. It is not a good idea to arrive 20:10 and expect a mingle before the show starts, not to arrive 19:55 without tickets and expect the reception to find your booked tickets in 2 minutes. The party will be after the show.

Dress code

Smart casual


This year the awards ceremony will take place in a cinema theater with lots of leg room where it is quite easy to get up on stage (without asking all others on your row to stand up). It is therefor not necessary to have numbered seats. You may sit wherever you like.

When will you get up

The show will follow the same order as the categories are listed on this page, starting with Brand logo and finishing with Miscellaneous printed. Category “08. Brochure & Product Catalogue” has been split in two “Brochure” and “Product Catalogue”. At the end of the ceremony, the Jury Prize and the Hall of Fame winners are going to be announced. At the start of each new category our hostess will call your company names and we will show a list of the winning companies on the screen in alphabetical order. Please get up on stage and wait until it’s your turn to receive your prize.

What will happen on stage

When all winners of a category have reached the stage, the person who hands out the prizes will start with the silvers and ask one company at the time to step forward to receive their prize. As you are asked to step forward to receive your diploma (and for gold winners a trophy as well), a 15 second slide show with pictures from your winning design is being projected. This is followed by a card with all the credits you have provided. Please stay on the stage until all winners in your category have received their prizes. After the group photo is taken, you will be able to walk back to your seat.

How many can get up on stage

There is no limit. If you bring the whole team of 30 people who worked on the project, all 30 are most welcome up on stage.

Trophy & diplomas

All gold winners will receive one trophy and a diploma in two copies. All silver winners will receive a diploma in two copies. The idea is of course so that you may give one diploma to your client. If there is any typo in your diploma, just tell us and we will correct it and send you new ones. The trophy and the two copies of the diploma are free of charge.


As soon as you register you will receive a voucher, which you can exchange at the reception, directly after the Award ceremony for a complementary catalogue.

Food & drinks

Since the show starts at 20:00 and is followed by the winners party, you are strongly advised to have dinner before you arrive at the venue.


Efforts are going to be made to keep the ceremony at a two hour duration. During this time there are not going to be any breaks.

What if I can’t make it?

Then you have a few options:

A. If you know someone who will be at the ceremony you simply ask that person to receive the trophy/diploma on stage in your name and bring it to you when they go home. This is also possible for the free catalogue.

B. Please let us know if you can’t make it to the ceremony. Your diploma/trophy will be sent to you via post. It would also be a good idea if you could send a short video accepting the award, to somehow “fill the gap” of your absence. Such a video should be sent to us latest May 12th via FTP or mail (resolution 1024 x 768 pixels, max 20 seconds, in any format that can be used in a KeyNote presentation).

Free ceremony tickets

The rule is 1 free ceremony ticket (including the party) per winning company, not per award or per person in the team.

Bronze winner

The reason why bronze winners will receive their diplomas in the reception or via post (and not on stage) is because the show would otherwise last more than 4 hours.

ED-Awards Ceremony

The ED-Awards Ceremony is honoring the gold and silver winners in 31 different categories of communication design. The best designers in Europe get on stage in order to receive their prizes.

The evening is lead by Agneta Wallin, a Swedish stand-up comedian who charmed the audience last year in Stockholm and agreed to come back.

Time: 20:00-23:00, Sunday May 17

The reception opens 19:00 and in case you need to pick up tickets in the reception please be there before 19:40.

The show starts 20:00 and is estimated to last 2-3 hours.

It will be at the same venue as the ED-Conference, the Arena Filmcity at Sihlcity.

The ticket price is 50 euro (student discount available) and can be bought via our web shop.

This ticket is also valid for the winenrs party right after the ceremony.

European Design Festival 2009 time plan

During the European Design Festival, a number of parallel design related events are scheduled to take place in Zürich.

They include exhibitions, a 3-day conference, the ED-Awards ceremony, design walks, etc. These parallel events are organized by different organizations but coordinated in such a way that enables guests from all over Europe to get a glimpse of the best that Swiss graphic design has to offer during their visit to Zürich.

Wednesday May 13th

  • 19:30 Lecture by Irma Boom at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 13:00-17:00 Exhibition “Irma Boom – Book Design” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-20:00 Exhibition “Good Design, Good Business” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-20:00 Exhibition “Every Thing Design” at Museum of Design Zürich

Thursday May 14th

  • 13:00-17:00 Exhibition “Irma Boom – Book Design” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-20:00 Exhibition “Good Design, Good Business” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-20:00 Exhibition “Every Thing Design” at Museum of Design Zürich

Friday May 15th

  • 09:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 1 at Arena, Sihlcity
    Designiq (Czech Republic)
    Beetroot (Greece)
    Designbolaget (Denmark)
    Lysergid (France)
    Group94 (Belgium)
  • 17:40-19:40 Design Walk Google
  • 13:00-17:00 Exhibition “Irma Boom – Book Design” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-17:00 Exhibition “Good Design, Good Business” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-17:00 Exhibition “Every Thing Design” at Museum of Design Zürich

Saturday May 16th

  • 10:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 2 at Arena, Sihlcity
    Magma (Germany)
    BVD (Sweden)
    Ginette Caron (Italy)
    LOOVVOOL (Estonia)
    Niklaus Troxler (Switzerland)
  • 17:30-19:30 Design Walk A
  • 17:30-19:30 Design Walk B
  • 10:00-17:00 Exhibition “Good Design, Good Business” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-17:00 Exhibition “Every Thing Design” at Museum of Design Zürich

Sunday May 17th

  • 10:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 3 at Arena, Sihlcity
    Scandinavian Design Group (Norway)
    Koeweiden Postma (Netherlands)
    Alex Trochut (Spain)
    Synopsis (Romania)
    The Designers Republic (UK)
  • 20:00-22:30 ED-Awards Ceremony
  • 22:30-04:00 Party
  • 13:00-17:00 Exhibition “Irma Boom – Book Design” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-17:00 Exhibition “Good Design, Good Business” at Museum of Design Zürich
  • 10:00-17:00 Exhibition “Every Thing Design” at Museum of Design Zürich

European Design Week 2008 time plan

The European Design Week is a common name for all graphic design events taking place in Stockholm 15-19 May 2008.

This includes several exhibitions, a 3-day conference, an award ceremony, a formal reception, two design walks to 7 agencies and open houses. The events are organized by different companies and organizations but coordinated to those 5 days, enabling guests from all over Europe to see the best of Stockholm’s graphic design scene during their visit. It will be a smörgåsbord (buffet) of graphic design events from dawn till dusk (and dusk comes very late in Sweden in May). Bon appetite!

Thursday May 15th

  • 12:00-18:00 Grand opening of final exhibition at Forsberg School of Graphic Design
  • 12:00-17:00 Kolla! Graphic Design and Illustration exhibition at Svensk Form
  • 13:00-17:00 Eb design seminar by CAP&Design at Södra teatern
  • 17:30-22:00 Shoptalk by FutureDesignDays at Nordic Light Hotel
  • 11:00-20:00 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec at Nationalmuseum
  • 12:00-18:00 Marcus Gärde window exhibition at konst-ig

Friday May 16th

  • 09:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 1 at Södra teatern
    Goldstudio (Denmark)
    Laboratorium (Croatia)
    Graphic Thought Facility (UK)
    46xy (Italy)
    Gorilla (the Netherlands)
  • 12:00-13:00 & 17:00-18:30 Creatives Behind the Lens photo exhibition at Södra teatern
  • 17:00-19:00 Design Walk Gamla Stan/Söder
    ACNE Creative
    Fellow Designers
    North Kingdom
    Pangea design
  • 17:00-19:00 Design Walk City center
    Fantasy Interactive
    Stockholm Design Lab
    dolhem design
  • 17:00-19:00 Marcus Gärde talk & mingle at konst-ig
  • 12:00-18:00 Final exhibition at Forsberg School of Graphic Design
  • 12:00-17:00 Kolla! Graphic Design and Illustration exhibition at Svensk Form
  • 11:00-17:00 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec at Nationalmuseum

Saturday May 17th

  • 09:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 2 at Södra teatern
    Labomatic (France)
    Petpunk (Lithuania)
    designersunited.gr (Greece)
    Fernando Gutierrez (Spain/UK)
    Henrik Nygren (Sweden)
  • 12:00-13:00 & 17:00-18:30 Creatives Behind the Lens photo exhibition at Södra teatern
  • 17:00-19:00 Design Walk Gamla Stan/Söder
    ACNE Creative
    Fellow Designers
    North Kingdom
    Pangea design
  • 17:00-19:00 Design Walk City center
    Fantasy Interactive
    Stockholm Design Lab
    dolhem design
  • 17:30-18:30 Fabrico Próprio Book Launch at Södra teatern
  • 12:00-18:00 Final exhibition at Forsberg School of Graphic Design
  • 12:00-16:00 Kolla! Graphic Design and Illustration exhibition at Svensk Form
  • 11:00-17:00 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec at Nationalmuseum
  • 12:00-17:00 Marcus Gärde window exhibition at konst-ig

Sunday May 18th

  • 09:00-17:00 ED-Conference day 3 at Södra teatern
    Grandpeople (Norway)
    Ostengruppe (Russia)
    R2 design studio (Portugal)
    Kokoro & Moi (Finland)
    Erik Spiekermann (Germany)
  • 12:00-13:00 Creatives Behind the Lens photo exhibition at Södra teatern
  • 18:00-20:00 Formal reception by Stockholm City in Stadshuset (City Hall)
  • 20:30-23:00 ED-Awards Ceremony at Södra teatern
  • 23:00-02:00 Party by Corbis & European Design at Sodra bar (Södra teatern)
  • 12:00-18:00 Final exhibition at Forsberg School of Graphic Design
  • 12:00-16:00 Kolla! Graphic Design and Illustration exhibition at Svensk Form
  • 11:00-17:00 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec at Nationalmuseum
  • 12:00-16:00 Marcus Gärde window exhibition at konst-ig

Monday May 19th

  • 12:00-18:00 Final exhibition at Forsberg School of Graphic Design
  • 12:00-18:00 Marcus Gärde window exhibition at konst-ig

Creatives Behind the Lens

Corbis, Scanpix and European Design are proud to celebrate photography with the European creative industry. The Creatives Behind the Lens contest is open till May 5th; submit up to 3 photographs and compete for a little bit of fame within the creative industry in Europe.

A panel of professionals from European leading creative publications will judge your work.

There is no brief so you can shoot what you like, just make it brilliant! If you work in the creative industries (but don’t take pictures for a living) and like a challenge then enter our unique competition. Deadline for submissions has been extended to May 5th.

For more details and to enter, please visit the

Creatives Behind the Lens competition page!

Exhibition in Stockholm 16-18 May

The short list will be exhibited at Södra teatern in Stockholm during the European Design Conference and taken afterwards on a road show to further countries.

Opening hours:

Friday May 16: 12:00-13:00 and 17:00-18:30

Saturday May 17: 12:00-13:00 and 17:00-18:30

Sunday May 18: 12:00-13:00

ED-Conference participants may visit the exhibition during conference hours. It will also be open for participants during the ED-Awards ceremony and during the ED/Corbis party on Sunday evening May 18.

Fabrico Próprio Book Launch

Fabrico Próprio means “Own Production”, an expression used by most Portuguese cafés and patisseries in their shop signs, windows and packaging. It is a warrant of freshness and quality, but also of uniqueness and prestige of the baked goods they sell – most of them sweet, one-portion cakes.

“Fabrico Próprio – The Design of Semi-Industrial Confectionery” is a 292-page book dedicated to Portuguese confectionery and its relation to design. An encyclopaedic record of 92 Portuguese daily confectionery cakes, it also includes perspectives from 23 Portuguese and foreign professionals, which can be found along its pages in the form of three essays and several sections.

Photographers, illustrators, architecture and food critics, a chef and an art curator take Portuguese semi-industrial confectionery as a source of inspiration, offering unexpected approaches to this surprising world.

“Fabrico Próprio” is a multidisciplinary project dedicated to Portuguese semi-industrial confectionery and its relation to design, authored by Pedrita (Rita João, Pedro Ferreira) and Frederico Duarte. It is composed of this book, a workshop, the fabricoproprio.net website and a series of launches in Portugal and abroad.


Time & place

Saturday May 17th 17:30-18:30

Södra teatern

Free entry

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec


Website: www.nationalmuseum.se

The exhibition devoted to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm is the first comprehensive presentation of the French artist in Sweden for forty years. The exhibition will include some 200 items: drawings, posters and oil paintings.

We meet a small but highly imposing artist who abandoned a life in aristocratic circles to spend his days among the bohemian pleasures of Montmartre, portraying the people he met there. His works will be on view at the Nationalmuseum from 21 February to 25 May 2008.

The entire Parisian entertainment world of the late 19th century seems to have been preserved in Toulouse-Lautrec’s pictures from the restaurants and cafés, dance halls and theatres. He is particularly associated with the famous Moulin Rouge nightclub where, for a number of years around 1890, he spent almost every evening recording individuals and events in his sketchbook.

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec also recorded the lives of women working as prostitutes – how they spent their days and their nights. In his art he seems to vacillate between compassion and detachment. The spring exhibition of his work at the Nationalmuseum will shed light on the economic and social causes of the widespread prostitution during the late 19th century. A further question will also be asked:

What would a contemporary Toulouse-Lautrec have portrayed in Stockholm today? A group of students from Konstfack – University College of Arts, Crafts and Design – have been invited to contribute their personal answers to this question in the form of their own works of art. These works will be shown in the ground-floor gallery, displayed under the name “To use Lautrec”.

A great deal of space is devoted to Toulouse-Lautrec in his capacity as a designer of posters. The emergent entertainment industry of the late 19th century needed marketing and the greater part of Toulouse-Lautrec’s posters were made to advertise. In his posters the artist developed a medium of expression using simple lines and bold colours; an artistic language that points to the future.

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s life describes an unusual social progress from the aristocracy to the darker side of society. He was born into a notably aristocratic family in southern France. It has been claimed that his poor health was the result of inbreeding. In his teens he broke his legs so severely that they stopped growing. He moved to Paris with his mother to study art but was soon drawn to the city’s bohemian neighbourhoods. And it was in the bohemian ambience of Montmartre that his creative talent began to flourish, leading on to a very substantial body of work. But his life was a brief one. Marked by an excess of alcohol and in poor physical condition, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec died in 1901, scarcely 37 years old. At the end of February we shall be able to acquaint ourselves with him once again at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm.

Exhibition curator: Per Hedström, Phone: +46 (0)8-5195 43 56, e-mail: phm@nationalmuseum.se

Designer: Henrik Widenheim

For further information please contact Anne-Marie Gustafsson, Head of Information, Phone. +46 (0)88-5195 43 90, E-mail: amg@nationalmuseum.se

Opening hours

21 February – 25 May 2008

Mondays: closed

Tuesdays: 11:00-20:00

Wednesdays: 11:00-17:00

Thursdays: 11:00-20:00

Fridays: 11:00-17:00

Saturdays: 11:00-17:00

Sundays: 11:00-17:00

Guided tours: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri at 13:00


Södra Blasieholmshamnen

Box 161 76

103 24 Stockholm

Marcus Gärde at Konst-ig

The art and design bookshop konst-ig has invited Marcus Gärde from BachGarde for a talk and an exhibition.


Marcus Gärde will give a talk about proportions and geometry in graphic design and typography and their relationship to grid systems. Gärde is the author of “Typografins väg” and heads the department of typography at Berghs School of Communication.

Time: 17:00-19:00, Friday May 16

Exhibition in the window

Geometry can fool the eye – and blow the mind. Marcus Gärde uses geometry and colored paper to create squares with hidden messages.

Exhibition: 15-19/5

Shoptalk by Future Design Days

at Nordic Light Hotel, May 15


17.30 Registration and refreshments

18.00 FutureDesignDays Retail Session


How digital movements merge to the physical world

and engage dialogue instead of monologue.

20.00 Dinner


Post your interest at futuredesigndays.com


Nordic Light Hotel

Vasaplan 7, Box 884

101 37 Stockholm



Web design – the Swedish experience

by CAP&Design

Welcome to a seminar on the subject where Swedish agencies are the best in the World: web design and web development. Meet some of Sweden’s most prominent web creators and share some of their philosophies and experiences.

Why do Swedish web agencies get all those awards for their work? What is the base for the achievements they are prized for?

Get all the answers and a lot of inspiration on this seminar!

Kolla! Graphic Design and Illustration exhibition

Kolla! Graphic Design and Illustration exhibition

in cooperation with Svensk Form

Kolla! is presenting the winners of their Swedish graphic design and illustration award in the facilities of Svensk Form.


Kolla! is an annual competition for graphic design and illustration organized by Föreningen Svenska Tecknare, the Swedish Association of Illustrators and Grapich Designers.

Kolla! was held for the first time in 2003. The competition is judged by an expert jury and comprises three main classes: graphic design, illustration and screen-based graphic design and illustration. Eligible to take part in Kolla! are professional graphic designers and illustrators and students at the Swedish design colleges.

Kolla! aims to create a platform for discussion as well as to promote Swedish graphic design and illustration. The competition ends with a special Kolla! day: a seminar involving Swedish and international speakers followed by the awards ceremony and a reception. The award winners are presented at a Kolla! exhibition and in a Kolla! catalogue.

Föreningen Svenska Tecknare is an organization for Sweden’s professional illustrators and graphic designers. Its task is to promote the legal, financial and other interests of the members.

Address: kolla! Föreningen Svenska Tecknare, Götgatan 48, SE-118 26 Stockholm, Sweden

Contact: + 46 8 556 029 10, kolla@svenskatecknare.seThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

Websites: www.kolla.se , www.svenskatecknare.se & www.svenskform.se

Opening hours

Wednesday May 14: 17:00-20:00

Thursday May 15: 12:00-17:00

Friday May 16: 12:00-17:00

Saturday May 17: 12:00-16:00

Sunday May 18: 12:00-16:00

Entrence fee: 30 SEK

The exhibition is also opened between April 28 and May 11:

Wednesdays 17:00-20:00

Thursdays: 12:00-20:00

Fridays: 12:00-20:00

Saturdays: 12:00-17:00

Sundays: 12:00-17:00

Adress to the exhibition

Svensk Form Stockholm, Holmamiralens väg 2, Skeppsholmen.

Forsbergs exhibition

Final exhibition, 15-19 May

Website: www.forsbergsskola.se

Forsberg School of Graphic Design

The school was established in the Autumn of 1993 by Pia Forsberg and Pelle Lindberg. Both have long vocational experience within the industry. The Forsberg School is a 2-year vocational training course in Graphic Design, Advertising, Copywriting, Fashion Design and Motion Graphic Design.

The training gives the students the opportunity to discover their own distinctive character and individual aptitude in an environment which offers freedom with responsibility. Less theory and more practical creation. Students will test different ways of expression and thinking through exciting projects. “Learning by doing.”

Final exhibition

Grand Opening: Thursday 15th May

Open: Friday 16th May, Saturday 17th May, Sunday 18th May and Monday 19th May, 12pm to 6pm.

Graduates of Forsberg have held their final exhibitions at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London. The students have also carried out final exhibition projects in Soho, New York. The 2001 exhibition was based on a film project where the students traveled to different destinations around the world, such as Las Vegas, New York, Istanbul, Mexico City and Tokyo. In Stockholm, the students have created exhibitions, besides at the School itself, at the department store NK, at Humlegården Park, at the Hotel Strand and at the Royal Stables. Our ambition is to allow the students to show the creative innovation and free artistic expression that will characterize the industry in the future.


Forsbergs Skola, Skinnarviksringen 6, 117 27 Stockholm.

Metro station (T-bana) Zinkensdamm.

City Centre

This design walk starts outside Södra Teatern and let you visit three interesting design agencies in the city center. Each of them has promised to welcome you into their office, answer your questions and exhibit some previous work. This is a chance to meet great designers eye-to-eye on their home ground.

The first walk will start on Friday May 16th around 17:00 outside the Södra Teatern and take the subway to the city center. Each stop at an agency is about 20 minutes and you will be back at Södra Teatern or Slussen metro station two hours later. The second walk to the same four agencies starts around 17:00 on Saturday May 17th.

We will split the participants in smaller groups (by language) and the groups will visit the agencies in different order. The small size of the groups and the bi-lingual guide that accompanies each group will allow you to better interact and discuss with the agencies designers.

You don’t have to be part of this guided tour to visit those agencies. Some of them will be opened to everyone during those hours. The guided tour is merely a service.

Sign-up for this design walk via our web shop. The fee is 5 euro per person, incl. VAT. This includes the subway ticket.

Fantasy Interactive

Fi, a world-leading interactive design and development company, has grown substantially since it was founded in 1999. Our story has been marked by successful advances throughout; esteemed new clients, innovative projects, the development of our own proprietary products and the expansion of Fi into the US are all part of our organic evolution. Fi is committed to delivering an exceptionally high-quality, beautifully designed, easy-to-use internet experience to audiences worldwide.

Read more about Fi at www.f–i.com


Birger Jarlsgatan 4

14 34 Stockholm


Phone: +46 8 402 17 40

E-mail: interact@fantasy-interactive.com

Stockholm Design Lab

Website: www.stockholmdesignlab.se


Sturegatan 11

111 35 Stockholm


Phone: +46-8-555 519 00

E-mail: mail@stockholmdesignlab.se

dolhem design

We create, refine and clarify our clients’ brands, products and services through a mixture of quality, creativity, charisma and economical thinking (in the order preferred by the client). Even if we use different models depending on client need and objectives, design management is always the common denominator.

Feel free to order our case stories or to book a meeting with us so that we can explain in detail how we work and look upon branding as well as how design management can be seen as an investment rather than only as an expense.

We have built up a broad client base that spans a large range of different businesses in both the public and private sectors since 1998. As a result of belonging to INAREA, an international design network, we have access to expertise in different markets and an inexhaustible source of information that can be used on behalf of our clients. Dolhem Design’s international character can also be seen in the fact that five languages are fluently spoken at the company (Swedish, English, French, and Czech).

Website: www.dolhemdesign.se


Nybrogatan 3

114 54 Stockholm


Phone: +46-8-661 50 47

E-mail: info@dolhemdesign.se

Gamla stan/Söder

This design walk starts outside Södra Teatern and let you visit four interesting design agencies at Södermalm and Gamla Stan. Each of them has promised to welcome you into their office, answer your questions and exhibit some previous work. This is a chance to meet great designers eye-to-eye on their home ground.

The first walk will start on Friday May 16th around 17:00 outside the Södra Teatern. Each stop at an agency is about 20 minutes and you will be back at Södra Teatern or Slussen metro station two hours later.  The second walk to the same four agencies starts around 17:00 on Saturday May 17th.

We will split the participants in smaller groups (by language) and the groups will visit the agencies in different order. The small size of the groups and the bi-lingual guide that accompanies each group will allow you to better interact and discuss with the agencies designers.

You don’t have to be part of this guided tour to visit those agencies. Some of them will be opened to everyone during those hours. The guided tour is merely a service.

Sign-up for this design walk via our web-shop. The fee is 5 euro per person, incl. VAT.


Acne is a multi-disciplinary collective in the intersection of art and industry. Our ambition is to create amazing brands – own brands as well as other peoples brands. Acne’s creative expertize ranges from design, advertising and web to television and film. Our own brands are Acne Jeans (fashion), Acne Jr (toys) and Acne Paper (magazine). For a detailed presentation of Acne’s products and brands and a portfolio of recent client work, please visit www.acne.se.

Lilla Nygatan 23
Box 2327
103 18 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8 555 799 00
E-mail: info@acne.se

Fellow Designers

Website: www.fellowdesigners.se


Högbergsgatan 28

11620 Stockholm


Phone: +46-8 – 33 22 00

E-mail: paul@fellowdesigners.com

North Kingdom

North Kingdom is a digital boutique agency from the north of Sweden that was founded in 2003. North Kingdom specializes in developing unique solutions within interactive media for big brands all over the world.North Kingdom has developed award winning online projects for clients such as Toyota, Coca Cola Zero, Vodafone, Absolut, Canal Digital, Starwood Hotels, and BBC and collaborated with some of the worlds leading Ad agencies such as, Goodby Silverstein & Partners San Fransisco, A.O.I. + Dentsu, Japan, and Crispin Porter + Bogusky Miami.

Website: www.northkingdom.com


Skeppsbron 36

11130 Stockholm


Phone: +46-8-4401970

E-mail: info@northkingdom.com

Pangea Design

Pangea design is a design studio focused on corporate identities. During the Design Walks, we will give you a presentation of our latest cases, including corporate typefaces. We will also show you our office with a splendid panorama view of Stockholm.

Pangea design was founded in 1997 and the studio is situated in the centre of Stockholm. We are today 14 employees; graphic designers and project managers.

Our presentation will contain our work with corporate identity for SL, Stockholm’s public transport system. We will show you examples from the ten different design manuals developed for SL. For PTS (The National Post- and Telecom Agency) we have recently developed a new logotype and corporate identity in order to change their image towards more modern and high-tech. Finally, we will give you some examples from the new corporate identity for Stockholm University which is Sweden’s largest with over 52,000 students.

Pangea design is also well known for our great experience and high quality in corporate typeface assignments. In this field, we have customers as Dagens Nyheter (Sweden’s largest daily newspaper) and LO (The Swedish Trade Union Confederation).

Welcome to visit our design studio where you also have a fantastic panorama view over Stockholm’s Old Town and City, as well as the sea.

Website: www.pangeadesign.se


Stadsgården 6, 8 tr

11645 Stockholm


Phone: +46-8-714 36 50

E-mail: info@pangeadesign.se

Exhibition: Contrast

A video projection project

Directors, designers, 3D-designers and artists, all people interested in motion pictures and their potential, create for the Greek Graphic Designers Association and present their work under the general title “Contrast”.

On the occasion of the first European Design Conference and European Design Awards, that will take place in Athens this May, professionals of various styles and interests, people that work in design, advertising, film, but also architecture, painting or web design, all give their version of the subject, with small successive clips that create a dynamic 20 minute projection project, at the NIXON projection room.

Participants: Beetroot, Pavlos Germidis, Dimitris Gazis, Marie Dimitrouli, G, Nikos Katrivanos, Chr. Katsari – Chr. Christoforou- Spyros Iakovides, Dimitris Ladopoulos, Μyriam Levi, NOMINT and George Triandafillakos.



Agisilaou 61Β, Metaxourgio, 210 3462077

Opening hours

Thursday May 10: 19:30 – 22:30

Friday May 11: 19:30 – 22:30

Saturday May 12: 19:30 – 22:30

Sunday May 13: 13:00 – 20:00

Free entrance!


May 10-13, 2007

Organized by

Greek Graphic Designers Association


Exhibition: Mapping (Europe)

Apeiron Photos and Corbis organise a poster exhibition to celebrate the first ED Awards.

The idea for an exhibition and subsequent publication dealing with the representation of the map of Europe and the limits and borders of graphic design, was born on the occasion of the organization of the first European Design Awards and European Design Conference held in Athens this year. The campaign for the communication of these paramount events, used the image of a European map made of pixels.

This sort of representation of the European map raises various questions, especially in the context of the ED Awards: What do we mean, understand and communicate by the term ‘European’? How does graphic design map and is being mapped out, what are its borders and limit(ation)s? What are the messages graphic designers are interested in encoding visually and how can the semiology of the two-dimensional surface of a poster function as an expressive ‘map’?

In “Mapping (Europe)”one can look at various ways through which all these issues are approached by exquisite graphic designers and even more, face the new and at times unexpected questions they raise. The works represent and comment on visual conventions, cultural, social and political norms, structures of power, as well as on the very notion of symbolization as exemplified in the field visual communication.

Participants: 3 in a box, Adel Saatchi & Saatchi, Ashley & Holmes, Attp, BBDO Athens, Beetroot, Company, Designers United, Designpark, Dolphins, Echo, Eggandspoon, Espresso Studio/ Dimitris Arvanitis, g, Garamond Design, JWT/ Spot Thompson, K2design, Karamella, Lineadesign, McCann Erickson, MNP, Mousegraphics, ODD Company, Office Communication Consultants, Poor Designers, Radial, RMG Connect, The Design Shop, The Switch Design Agency, Tribe, Warda, George Vavylousakis, Konstantinos Vavylousakis, Dimitris Gazis, Kapani graphix, Oxy/ Paris Koutsikos, Pi6, Fotis Pehlivanidis, George Triantafyllakos.

Opening party

All delegates of the ED Conference are invited to the opening party of the exhibition on 9th May, at 21:00.


Melina Exhibition Center

66 Irakleidon & Thessalonikis, Thisseion

Opening hours

Tuesday to Saturday 9:00–13:00 & 17:00-21:00

Sundays: 9:00-13:00


May 9 – 25

Organized by

Apeiron and Corbis

Graphic leisure workshops

HP has invited Bruno Sellés, Creative Director and Founder of Vasava to run 2 workshops during the ED-Conference.

The workshops will focus on some of the most challenging design issues: Ambigrams, Polioramas and Seamless Patterns.

Frustrating designs that can reward you with great satisfaction once solved.

Mr. Sellés will present the graphic work and illustrations created at Vasava during the last 10 years but the sessions will also include practical exercises. Participants are therefore asked to bring pencil and paper or even better, a laptop with design oriented software (Illustrator or Freehand).

Time & place

Workshop 1: May 9, 10:00-13:00

Workshop 2: May 10, 10:00-13:00

Place: Athens Art Center (HP booth in the lobby)

Cost: 0 euro


Since the seats are limited only the first 25+25 to register will be accepted. You register by sending an e-mail to info@ed-awards.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it , stating name and if you wish to attend workshop 1 or 2.